Friday 25 September 2020

Term 3 goal reflections

 today i was writing my  reflections and taking a photo of myself.I done one i that if someone does like anything to me i will not do it  back to them and also respect myself and others i really liked p.e  writing and art they are really really fun.


  1. Kia ora Unaise,
    You have set a great goal for term 4 and you know exactly what you need to do to achieve it.
    I like your photo. It advertises yourself positively online and that means you are being Cybersmart.
    from Mrs Torrie

  2. Kia ora Unaise my name is Sadie. I go to Waitohu school in Otaki.
    I like how you we’re learning art,P.E and writing.
    This part gave me a memory about ``when i did my profile picture.
    Next time you should smile in your picture.


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