Friday 28 May 2021

How to learn about Abraham ad Sarah

Like a week ago my class and I have been learning about Abraham and Sarah in our our class. We got into groups of three and then we got to pick what we want to act out. My team picked role play so I had to act like Abraham because I was Abraham and Paula was Sarah, lastly Mikaela was our Narrator.

My learning about Abraham and Sarah was so fun because we gotta act like Abraham and Sarah like it was a real story. Do you know about Abraham and Sarah if you want to learn more about Abraham and Sarah Click on this link so you can learn more.

 God's Story: Abraham and Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Unaise, its Mikaela here it was really fun doing the roleplay with you, i liked how you enjoyed what you were doing
    ma te wa


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