Friday 19 March 2021

St patrick's day poster

 Today was Saint patrick's so we made a poster for it and our teacher's were wearing green then we had to read this story about Saint patrick's next we watched this video and then make a poster about what you know about Saint patrick's day after we posted it to our blog.  


  1. Kia ora Unaise,
    I find St Patrick a fascinating person to study. I have been to Ireland to where they say his church was. It is called the Rock of Cashel.
    New learning for me from your poster that he was sold into slavery. How did he become a priest in Ireland if this happened?
    from Mrs Torrie

  2. Kia ora Mrs Torrie,Thank you for your comment on my blog I never new you have had been to Ireland before i hoped you had so much fun there i wonder how many years have you stayed there.

    From Unaise


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