Monday 15 February 2021

Chines new year poster

Today my class and I made a chinese new year poster first we had to select two or 3 pictures about chinese new year after we had to put in three-six facts about chinese new year.I found it challenging to think of facts to put in to my chinese new year poster and find pictures of chines new year.Next i will add in more to  than four facts about chinese new year.Next time i will add more facts to my chinese new year poster.I enjoyed writing down facts and finding pictures of chines new year.

1 comment:

  1. Morena Unaise, you have created a colourful poster that is very eye catching with some interesting facts. Next time it would be even better if you added a title 'Chinese New Year' so it is very clear what you poster is about. Ma te wa, Miss Hickling.


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